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You have special needs and we have build tailored services for you.
Aozora user’s are your customers: make sure they hear about you.
For you
You will reach a greater audience, 100% dedicated to skydiving and tunnel flying. Our users are the people you want to talk to and do business with.
They just need to know what you have for them!
When they visit Aozora, people both want information and have full control on filters and searches. Therefore, it is the perfect moment to get them to know about your offer: they are fully receptive and are willing to engage!
We have developed specific tools to improve your business and smooth the pains.
Enhanced displays, linking to your other online presence, online payment, unlimited publications, easy going management tools.
Custom services
You are a manufacturer, a rigger or a retailer: get more visibility on your work, your products and your services. Sell second-hand and brand new, set your mini-shop or create links to your existing website.
Aozora connects you to new customers.
You are a dropzone, an independant coach, you organize events: get upmost visibility amongst skydivers, set a simple booking plateform or just link to your social network feeds.
Aozora adapts to your needs.
You are a wind tunnel company, you are a coach, you organize events: get upmost visibility amongst tunnel flyers, display clearly your availability and manage getting booking fees without pain.
Aozora helps you saving time.